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Hadean Tactics update for 10 September 2023

Patch 1.0.13

Share · View all patches · Build 12153392 · Last edited 10 September 2023 – 14:39:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for the response on the 1.0 launch! It's been way beyond our expectations, and we're glad to see so many new and returning players enjoying Hadean Tactics]!

Here is this week's patch:

Patch 1.0.13

-- Added Conjure's book to help you know which card you will get when combining Orbs.

-- Added real time battle damage display.

-- Damage numbers higher than 1000 will now show as 1k, 10k, etc.

-- Increased the chance of finding a Boss that you don't have a Wing for yet.
-- Goldblins on the event where only Goldblins appear now start with Fear (rip Chad The Rad).
-- Improved contrast of enemies's target lines.
-- Fixed sometimes Sacred Fireball blocking mouse click.
-- Fixed Relic Parasite triggering Spikes.
-- Fixed Oracle Runes being consumed all at once when used.
-- Fixed traps not preserving range when Save>Load.
-- Fixed Card Bloodletting not healing the right amount when the enemy has Fracture.
-- Fixed not being able to enter the end game portal with gamepad.
-- Fixed Wanderer portrait sometimes overlapping when playing Solo Hero.
-- Fixed Card Puppetry sometimes not working on turn 0.
-- Fixed when playing with gamepad sometimes softlocking after upgrading a card before a Boss room.
-- Fixed rare softlock when transforming allies in Vampyrs in Biting Booth event.
-- Fixed Game Over when playing on Solo Hero hardcore and having a Hero with Dragon Hatch Skill.
-- Fixed Dahlia Dryad's sound.
-- Fixed The Duplicator event description in Brazilian Portuguese.
-- Fixed Eagle Eye number display in Brazilian Portuguese.
-- Fixed typo on Revitalize card.
-- Revamped Bone Break card sound.
-- Modified Hatch Dragon skill description.
-- Modified Ward Jewel relic description.
-- Added Ethernal Files for Damage Barrel.
-- Modified Pyro, Jolt, and Frost descriptions.
-- Modified Soul Jar card description.
-- Modified Permatrap card description and Permatrap keyword description.
-- Fixed Mind-eater card description in German.

And, as we said before, we will continue supporting the game, and now that it's getting more stable we can move forward with more content and balance patches.

If you have any feedbacks, suggestions, find any bugs, or you want to contribute with the translation of the game to your language, you can join our Discord!

Doug & Lili @ Emberfish Games

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