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Warlordocracy update for 9 September 2023

Warlordocracy Early v8.4

Share · View all patches · Build 12150346 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 18:06:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Been working on the central encyclopedia so that each separate object doesn't have to repeat the description in the save files. Also a great way to organize information. So far there are 426 entries (species, characters, items, etc.). Entries are now also displayed on character screen.

Two new abilities. The Analyze Character ability reveals stat screen of target character. The Leadership ability makes all party members besides the user Focused and Inspired. Also, two new status effects: Inspired, and Resist Pierce.

Complete list of changes:

-Added status effects: Inspired, Resist Pierce.
-Added abilities: Analyze Character, Leadership.
-Confused status effect now prevents characters from using abilities.
-Looms now let you craft with fabrics using the Naturalism ability (and only looms).
-Encyclopedia searches now automatically remove articles and "bottle of" prefixes to entry titles.
-New achievement script commands: "achieveTag", "achieveName", and "achieveDesc".
-Changed "steam" script command to "achieve" and added in-game achievement list.
-New objects: dungeonB3+4 (catacomb inlets), doorAncient (Hargate), sarcophagus.
-Character screen now displays encyclopedia entry and equipped item.
-Improved lots of encyclopedia entries, added main characters.
-Updated Player's and Builder's Manual.
-Fixed Pocket Sand ability script.

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