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Coin Chase update for 9 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12149932 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 16:09:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


We even got a funny ass review!

He reviewed the early access version (v0.2) if we look at the Youtube version. He never made any real attempt to create a map (he put random obstacles on and then some random lines) nor did he play the map that comes with the game to enhance the gameplay in a way he might have liked it. But foremost he didn't play with a friend.

This game is best played with a friend, IRL. Someone beside you. Where you chase each other or COOP and try to evade the police. The game is still under development, but fully playable. And it will have more power-ups and mechanics in the future.

The bindings are hidden in the level settings menu, if you press space bar (read at the bottom of the page).

The EULA was something I thought I had to have, I didn't thought anyone would actually be stupid enough to read it so I just took a template from the internet and changed the company to mine. But I removed it since it apparently isn't a requirement. The reviewer was 100% true in his review (where he mostly reviewed the EULA than the actual game, which he played for 20 minutes without trying every mode, at least from what he wrote/spoke about.)

WITH THIS SAID! I am humbly and very grateful for the review. It's the best fucking roast I've ever gotten. And I love it. This is what I had hoped to get answered during the Early Access. "Is it fun enough as it is or does the power ups and other stuff that I was aiming for?" I mean... I did enjoy snake, asteroid, Tetris and other High-score-focused-games. No Coin Chase is not up there in the classics level of greatness, neither does it claims to be. Its a 1 dollar game (but because people often pays when on sale I put it up for 1.99. This is a sales tactic I got from a Youtuber and thought to be kind of reasonable. The game aims to often be on sale (when you would and SHOULD pay for it). It's less than a coffee, bruh...

It's as fun as you make it. If you enjoy painting, do it (for a while). If you don't enjoy watching it dry, then don't. Play to pass time and play with friends to get the most out of this piece of shit of a game.

I hope you enjoy it. If not, please get refunded and leave a funny review!

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