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日本式打天九 update for 21 November 2023

"Japanese Style Tien Gow" is out now on Steam!

Share · View all patches · Build 12149771 · Last edited 21 November 2023 – 15:06:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Today (November 22, 2023 on JST), we launched the distribution of "Japanese Style Tien Gow", a PC version of the traditional Chinese game of "Tien Gow"!

Although the game is titled "Japanese Style," the rules are basically the same as those used in Hong Kong and Macau, where the game is played.
Some of the rules and names of the roles have been changed for this game, and some elements for which we did not have sufficient information at the time of production have been given their own names.
Therefore, please be aware that there are slight differences in the names of some elements from those currently available on the Internet.

We will continue to keep the demo version, so if you are interested, please play with the demo version.
Only the basic rules are explained in the tutorial of the demo version.
(In the full version, you will be able to understand the entire rules in the tutorial.)

In addition, we have established guidelines in response to the recent popularity of live game streaming.
If you are going to stream a live game, please read the guidelines before you start streaming (the guidelines are explained in Japanese).

Castle Box Games デジタルゲーム利用ガイドライン

Finally...with the help of many people, we are finally able to offer this game to you.
However, this game is not finished with its release, and we are planning to update it several times.
We will announce those at a later date, so please look forward to them.

*This announcement was made by machine translation.

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