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Coin Operated Carnage update for 9 September 2023

New Heroes: Druid, Assassin | Clash Action Zones | High Contrast UI Overhaul

Share · View all patches · Build 12149379 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 14:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Added the Druid and the Assassin as playable Heroes.

Added Hero Vessel background effects for the Map Ability of all Heroes.


Enemies now use Dash, although they're not the biggest fans of this newfashioned mode of transportation.

Enemies now have an individual Wait chance. Snoodle, e.g., likes to take things slow.

Treebor has been renamed to Treamy.


Added the Action Zone mechanic. Sometimes, colored zones appear in the Clash Power Bar. Activating them grants additional effects like, e.g., skipping the enemy's revenge Hit.

Added a text popup when an Enemy Token sees no way out when fleeing from something.


Hero enemies now greet you with a macabre phrase when entering a Fight.

The utility indicator now moves from side to side to indicate whose turn it is.


Tiles which cost Silver Coins to activate now display that cost in their bottom right corner.

Replaced the outer frame of Exit Tiles with a better suiting one.


Recolored a lot of graphic elements from grey to black for better contrast.

Removed a big part of the Coin Rail. Action Coins are now instantly minted in the Storage.

Increased the size of the Champion's Hero Vessel and decreased the size of the Companion's Hero Vessels.

Replaced the Penalty Indicators with a new design.

Recolored the utility indicator blueish.


Added a busy crafting sound effect that plays while a Stage is being built.

When muted, Hero death sounds aren't played anymore to speed things up.


Added the number of Best of Three and Looting menu appearances as well as the damage healed to the statistics report.

Increased the speed at which infos appear and disappear.

Game elements changing Visual Range now additionally display the current Visual Range in their info.

Renamed Loot to Looting.

Increased the donation reward for feedback to 5€.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the fleeing mechanic (used by, e.g., Witch Doctor, Birdo, Spring) didn't play out correctly.

Fixed a bug where the Progress Indicator didn't fill up before a Fight.

Fixed a bug where multiple text popups were displayed on top of each other.

Fixed a bug where, in Camp, the Path Tile that blinks to indicate where the Player can click didn't stop blinking after using Dash.

Windows Depot 1864714
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