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Gamble Tower update for 9 September 2023

Hotfix 1.0.7a

Share · View all patches · Build 12147235 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 03:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This one fixes plenty of annoying issues.
Now we'll start working on weekly hotfixes and some more QOL, here are the notes:

Most Important Fixes

  • Fixed softlock that would happen if “Pumpkin Pile” or “Pumpkin Pile of Two” died before being able to act and was the last character to act. (This would block you from pressing End Turn.) (Thanks Wolf)
  • Fixed softlock that would happen when a Pumpkin enemy that transformed from Pumpkin Pile or Pile of Two while trying to attack, tried to attack. (Thanks Wolf)
  • Fixed an issue where using Tokens would be blocked if you had less Clan Tokens than the total invested previously (Thanks Hornchen)
  • Fixed an issue where autosaves would eventually start concatenating into “SaveAuto0Auto0”, “SaveAuto0Auto1Auto0”, and similar. (Previous saves named like this will still remain though, new ones will correct themselves.)


  • “Bomb” can no longer attack if forced to by using orbs. (Thanks Wolf)
  • Made so that the orb draw calculation ignores orbs that you just used (specially useful for orbs that add other orbs into your hand).
  • ^ This should fix an issue where the game tells your hand is full even if it only has 9 orbs.
  • Fixed an issue where Toll Crystal would execute twice, costing 20 GC or Life per 1 Mana instead of 10. (Thanks Jonesboy33)
  • Fixed issue where Crystal Upgrade rewards would sometimes mimic the Crystal Upgrade Shop.


  • Fixed some stability issues related to Hideable UIs


  • Fixed issue where Status Effect Particles sometimes appeared below character parts, clothes or equipment. (specially on Player characters)
  • Inn Master should no longer say another dialogue when you enter the “Inn and Tower Developments” menu.

UX and UI

  • Fixed issue where Upgrade Crystals would show the incorrect targets on the Spoils Menu if there were 2 crystals. (a Crystal that could be applied to any orb would sometimes show “Summon Only”, or “Special Only”, etc.)
Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot 1577461
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