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Banzai Escape 2 Subterranean update for 9 September 2023

Merdeka Update Alert: Unleash Chaos!

Share · View all patches · Build 12142941 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 06:32:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello players!

Get ready to dive into a whole new level of action and excitement as Banzai Escape 2 Subterranean rolls out
its most thrilling update yet!
Prepare to experience the game like never before with the introduction of Nano-Plugins, a fiery addition to enemy reactions, and some sizzling costumes.

Nano-Plugins: Call Reinforcements and Unleash Napalm Fury

The Nano-Plugins are here to revolutionize your combat strategy!
These cutting-edge plugins will empower you in ways you've never imagined:

1. Call Reinforcements:

Feel the adrenaline surge as you can now summon backup sisters fighters to join
you in the heat of battle. Team up, strategize, and dominate the enemy like never before.

2. Napalm Grenade Attachment:

Explosive action awaits! Equip your character with the powerful Napalm Grenade attachment,
turning you into a force of nature. Watch your foes scramble as they become engulfed in flames.

New Reactions: Enemies Feel the Heat and Get Stunned

The enemies in Banzai Escape 2 Subterranean are no longer rush without fears.
They've become smarter, more reactive, and fiercer than ever:

1. React to Fire and Burning:

Ignite your enemies and witness their frantic reactions as
they desperately attempt to extinguish the flames. It's not just about firepower anymore;
it's about playing with their fear.

2. React to Stun and Flash-Bang:

Catch your foes off guard with stunning and flash-banging tactics.
Their disorientation will provide you with precious moments to strike and seize the advantage.


New Costumes: Amp Up Your Style

Dress to impress with our latest costume additions:

1. Upgraded Maid Costumes:

Your maid outfits have undergone a dazzling transformation.
Expect enhanced style, durability, and combat prowess as you don these sleek and empowering ensembles.
May come with the prices, but for those who bought it before, may get upgraded for free.

2. Nurse Costumes:

Ready to take on the role of a lifesaver?
The new nurse costumes are here to heal, protect, and conquer the battlefield in style.
These outfits are not just about looks; they come with unique abilities to support your gameplay.
Is it? The important is, ITS FREE!!

Prepare to embark on an even more exhilarating adventure with these new additions.
Download the latest update now and immerse yourself in the world of Banzai Escape 2 Subterranean like never before.
Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, there's never been a better time to join the action.

Don't miss out on the action-packed excitement! Download the update today and let the chaos begin!

Full list detailed patched;

Patch 33

  • New Costumes, Maid and Nurse
  • New Napalm and Sisters reinforcement Nano-plugins
  • Now enemies is properly flashbanged, scanner stunned, on fire and upcoming electrocuted
  • Now change weapon press default keys 1, 2 or scroll middle mouse will toggle between weapon
  • Modified legendary scanner is 100% chance to stunned enemies
  • Modified top screen HP bar UI
  • Fixed somehow npc not reloading properly
  • Fixed leg twisted when climbing staircases or crouch at it
  • Lower loudness of voice volume for npc
  • Improved AI near melee

If you have encounter any error, always inform us about it!

We encourage everyone to spread the word about our game to your friends and relatives.
Help us reach more players and share the love!

Thank you for your ongoing support. Stay tuned for more updates!

Best regards,


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