Hey there Girls and guys. As I said in the last info post I changed a lot. Take your time and explore the changed stuff and if you have any questions, feel free to join the discord server.
Update Notes Version 0.3.0
- Added: Own mouse cursor
- Added: Tree spirit at the foot of the Holy tree
- Added: Mount reincarnation UI
- Added: Logics to reincarnate an animal soul that can be summoned to ride on
- Added: Mount list [Default: U ]
- Added: Summon mount [Default: T ]
- Added Item: Nail
- Added item: Wooden beam
- Added item: Gear
- Added item: Clay
- Added: Clay can be found in the Pine forest and can only be gathered with a copper shovel or higher tiers
- Added item: Cement
- Added Workstation: Mortar and pestle
- Added item: Jabalous tusks
- Added item: Pegasus feather
- Added: "How to" Button to the inventory ( Some important game mechanics will be described there)
- Added: Missing state changes for the food that is craftable in the cooking pot and oven
- Added: Missing translations for the advantages of food
- Added a soul leaving effect when a character dies
- Removed: Blueprint learning shrines
- Removed workstations from loot tables
- Changed: NPC's will directly spawn instead of a random time to wait for
- Changed: Aiming is not possible while swimming anymore
- Changed: Health regeneration will not have effect when the character is about to drown
- Changed: The map will show every point a player died now. This will give you the possibility to find an old death spot even if you died on the way to the first one
- Changed: The character starts with no blueprints (collecting resources will give you blueprints)
- Changed: Some collected resources will unlock blueprints directly
- Changed: The research table will help you with unlocking new blueprints. No fragments are needed just the resources the wanted blueprint needs have to be in your inventory. The resources will be consumed when you learn a blueprint
- Changed: Memory fragments will no longer be drops from monsters, bosses or other sources
- Changed: The Shrines to unlock access to blueprints are no longer needed
- Changed: Mining resources like copper, iron, and coal will only be present in caves now
- Changed: Crops like carrots, potatos, tomatos etc. are not present everywhere.
- Changed: Changed the stylized tree, bush models to low poly models to finally make the game full low poly
- Changed: It is possible to teleport via a world teleporter while sitting on a mount
- Changed: Workstations and any placeable object that needed to be crafted is no more required to craft. They can be placed via the building menu (Unlocking via learning blueprint is required)
- Changed: The building menu don't require the hammer anymore. You can open it via pressing the "B" button
- Changed: When you load a game where mounts are standing in the world, they will die after the game loads. All their items will drop
- Changed: Mount system to a summon system
- Changed: Wooden Build parts will need planks, wooden beams and nails now
- Changed: Not every crate or barrel contains items to make it more realistic
- Changed: Stone Structures like Stone walls etc. will need more bricks and cement now
- Changed: Every resource like trees, stones, ores etc. Have to be fully destroyed to get the resources
- Changed: Resources that you can get from trees, stones and ores are reduced to balance the whole crafting and building process
- Changed: Energy is handled different now. Every action like sprinting or using a weapon, tool etc. will lower your energy level. Standing next to a campfire or chimney will raise it slowly. Sleeping will regenerate it completely. Some food will raise the energy too.
- Changed: Trees with beehives will be found only in the pine forest now
- Changed: When the energy level is empty you are only able to walk slow and hitting with fists to be able to collect stones and sticks for a campfire to regain energy
- Changed: It is possible to evade without blocking first [Default key: Left Alt]
- Changed: The info border that is shown when you look at something will display everything by default. It can be normalized via the game settings
- Fixed: Pressing the button or using the shortcut for "take all" will not count for quests
- Fixed: entering the swimming state will not stop the character from aiming with range weapons
- Fixed: When oxygen is empty, the character takes no damage
- Fixed: Item amounts will not be displayed anymore
- Fixed: The Character still uses the attack or use animation when try to attack bare hands after death
- Fixed: The tooltip of crafting blueprints are not showing up
- Fixed: Half iron gate blocks the camera view
- Fixed: The character is able to attack even if he is dead
- Fixed: Strange behavior when flying down and rotate the mount
- Fixed: Corrected hit Animations when using a sword on a mount
- Fixed: Shield placement when riding a mount
- Fixed: When it rains in caves too
- Fixed: Double loot on raspberry bushes
- Fixed: The game option "Show minimap" have no effect
- Fixed: Fort gate blocking the camera when it is opened and you walk trough it
Known bugs:
All translations were corrupted due to a file renaming process. I had to use a tool to translate everything again so a lot of translations would be very wrong. Please tell me if you notice something and I will implement your correct translation
Changed files in this update