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Casual Spider Solitaire update for 9 September 2023

New Update, featuring progress reset button plus extras!

Share · View all patches · Build 12140884 · Last edited 9 September 2023 – 06:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Hello, dear players!

I have some exciting news for you. I have just released a new update for the game that includes some features that you have been asking for. One of them is the progress reset button, which allows you to start over from scratch if you want to challenge yourself again. Another one is a bunch of new fancy achievements that will reward you for your skills and dedication. And last but not least, I have added some new levels for the core players who want more content and variety. I hope you enjoy these additions and have fun playing the game.

I want to thank you all for your continuous support and feedback. You are the reason why I keep making games and improving them. You are awesome!

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