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An Ankou update for 8 September 2023

Korrigan's Gold - Hotfix#1 v0.2.2b

Share · View all patches · Build 12140747 · Last edited 8 September 2023 – 10:26:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Reapers! Had a good night?

This morning we decided to submit quickly a new version to make one major change and also add a few fixes that just couldn't fit in yesterday's schedule.

  • There is now an alternate way to Harvest and it's now the default one. You start harvesting by tapping button B or the E key and you either let it complete or try a quick collect by tapping again (more about that after).
  • We forgot to include a new fifth arena in Brekilien (oops).
  • Options are now accessible in the Pause Menu.
  • You can once more interrupt Parry to harvest or interact with something.
  • Gargoyle walk animation is now working properly.
  • You now properly loose the power of the Charm of Escapism when you replace it.
  • Weapons were sometimes disappearing during cooldown, this has been fixed.
  • Added some colliders missing on Brekilien and Ker Koad.

Let's come back to this new Harvest input system:
The version that was pushed yesterday was and remain my favorite option. It's now accessible through the options if you select Harvest Mode = Long Press instead of Tap. But after internal discussions, it's not the default option anymore.

Though I admit I don't particularly think it's nice with a keyboard, it's how I think the game works best with a controller and the game is DEFINITELY best played with a controller. The whole Crafting Wheel thing does work a lot better with a controller. Since I'm aware I'm a weird little guy with sometimes dubious tastes, we rolled back that choice and leave you the option to join my weird little gang.

Like a lot of things in this game, this may be subject to later changes and improvements, as the game evolves to its more advanced forms.

  • Alkemi
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