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志怪者 update for 8 September 2023

Version 1.0.3 update announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 12139976 · Last edited 8 September 2023 – 10:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear investigators, we have completed the update version 1.0.3, the specific updates are as follows:

● Character card related issues:
○ Fixed an error in the description of "Time Crunch"
○ Added "Nearby" to "News Ideal ★".
○ To fix the wrong judgment of "Nearby" by the "News Ideal ★", journalists will now be able to get the "Truth" correctly.
○ Fixed the problem that the power attribute increase value was incorrect when the " Obstacle Run" was used continuously.
○ Fixed an issue where cards with "Cost" entry would be consumed directly when entering the discard pile due to automatic discarding.

● Fixed a text error in the script of "North of the North Pole", talking about Eric and the SLATE with the research team Charles.
● Fixed an issue in the Journey To The Deep script where "Premature Profane" could not be given cards correctly.

● Questions related to the script of "Residences of Karma" :
○ Fixed "Wind and Thunder Rebirth★★★" unlimited drawing of cards when the hand is full;
○ Fixed the issue that the range of "Thunder Slash★" is not affected by "Sword Art";
○ Fixed the issue that the "Fire - Blazing Sacrifice★" is not affected by the effects of the "Abacus";
○ Fixed the problem that the "Lightning Stone" effect killed the enemy and caused the jam;
○ Fixed an issue where cards with a check value of X caused the check value to plummet when others placed bets;

● Questions related to the "Night of the Mysteries" script:
○ Improved the effect of "Hypnosis Device", now it can control any Adventurer and Non-Elite Enemy;
○ Fixed the incorrect legality of unarmed attacks between investigators, traitors and monsters in "Alien Hunter";
○ Fixed an issue in "Alien Hunter" where "Subordinate Alien" could attack "Mutant Alien Jr.S";
○ Fix the problem that "Traction" in "Mother Spider" is ineffective to the target of being "Cocoon";
○ Fix the problem that "Mother Spider" can not be used under "Maternal Love";

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