Howdy, gunslingers!
v.1.0.3 is now available on Steam.
Here's patch note.
Patch Notes
- Fixed an accuracy display issue with the Royal Gunsmith's Custom.
- Fixed an accuracy display issue with first revolver task.
- Fixed a sound issue when using The Crimson.
- Fixed an issue where key bindings could be duplicated.
Known Issues
- Sometimes key binding is not saved properly
We are currently having difficulty reproducing the issue. It would be helpful if you could describe the problem in detail.
If you encounter any issues apart from the known ones, please let us know through the comments or the community hub!
This update primarily addresses bug fixes, but rest assured, we are actively developing new content. We're excited to offer you a sneak peek of what's coming next.
While we're working on improving Kill the Crows, enjoy the game, and stay healthy.
Thank you.
Changed files in this update