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Jumplight Odyssey update for 13 September 2023

Hotfix 0.1.1-p3: Death to Asteroids (For Now)

Share · View all patches · Build 12139926 · Last edited 13 September 2023 – 01:06:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Captains,

We have news from the Bridge!

Our newest Hotfix is hot off the press, and here’s the headline: death to all asteroids… For now.

The TL;DR 🌠

We know many players were experiencing issues with the asteroid system in general - having your run ending because a window got broken that you couldn’t fix and repressurize has been a frustrating experience.

The tricky thing for us as developers is balancing our long term intentions with what systems exist right now in the game. For example, we want asteroids to be a difficult experience, the intention was for it to be a challenge for players, but not one that is impossible to address like it is right now. We have some systems in the works that will give you more tools to be able to deal with the problem, but we understand that right at this moment asteroids are a frustrating and insurmountable pain point rather than a fun challenge.

As a result, we have temporarily removed asteroids from the asteroid systems and repaired any windows that were broken. Don’t worry though - we do have plans in the near future to re-implement the chonky space rocks back in, alongside properly implemented Repair Orders and cough cough spacesuits! cough cough.

Invulnerable objects – specifically Airlocks and Windows – now replenish health on saves. So if you were struggling with a frustrating run please do save and reload after installing this hotfix.

Stability 🛠️

There have been reports aboard some vessels that asphyxiated crew would return as “zombies” by save and reloading. We’re very glad to report that dead crew are now not returning to life as per this Hotfix… At least not in this way.

… Please report to the Bridge if you see undead crew.

We have also resolved some more save/load problems that we think have been linked with Officer Traits. As usual, if you have any further save/load problems please report them to our Community Managers. These are in particular very important to us!

What’s Next? 🤔

Other than making sure the game is as stable as it needs to be, our focus has been on delivering our next update. This update is called A Dangerous Galaxy and is slated for the first few weeks of October. There may be another small hotfix before then if an emergency crops up, but at this stage we're focusing on the update as the next place you'll see improvements to stability, balance and some of those other pain points players are experiencing. Worth reiterating that based on what we’ve learned from Early Access, we’ll be focusing heavily on quality of life updates rather than shiny new systems (for now) - meaning we want to make sure to temper your expectations that this next update won't be choc-filled with new content. You should check out our blog post on that if you haven’t already, it is definitely a must-read to understand our intentions behind each update for the next little while!

We will be able to disclose more information at our next Town Hall, which you can attend via our LoG Discord Server - we’d love to see you there.

Until then…

Keeping your Hope Bars Full,

<3 LoG

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