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Blood of Titans update for 12 September 2023

Update 09.12.2023

Share · View all patches · Build 12138705 · Last edited 12 September 2023 – 05:39:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

  1. Pieces of the Epsilon card have been added to faction chests.
  2. Regular and advanced skins of the following cards are now animated:
  • Sharpshooting Sentry, Magmatic Wyrm, Putrefactive Wurm, Nightmare Drop.
  1. Regular and advanced skins of the following cards have been renewed:
  • Bone Golem, Summoner, Owlish Bear.
  1. The appearance and animation of the Magic Sphere building have been renewed.
  2. The error of incorrect servants’ work has been fixed.
  3. The error in the number of keys granted for weekly clan tasks has been fixed.
  4. The error of the Elemental Stones Market building has been fixed.
  • All the icons of elemental stones are now displayed correctly.
  1. The error of the VIP quests icon, which used to overlap other quests on the world map, has been fixed.
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