- Pieces of the Epsilon card have been added to faction chests.
- Regular and advanced skins of the following cards are now animated:
- Sharpshooting Sentry, Magmatic Wyrm, Putrefactive Wurm, Nightmare Drop.
- Regular and advanced skins of the following cards have been renewed:
- Bone Golem, Summoner, Owlish Bear.
- The appearance and animation of the Magic Sphere building have been renewed.
- The error of incorrect servants’ work has been fixed.
- The error in the number of keys granted for weekly clan tasks has been fixed.
- The error of the Elemental Stones Market building has been fixed.
- All the icons of elemental stones are now displayed correctly.
- The error of the VIP quests icon, which used to overlap other quests on the world map, has been fixed.
Changed files in this update