Hello there,
We're releasing an update for the game, including revamped controller support, among other small UI changes:
- Buttons on a controller have been mapped to more intuitive actions (Controls are listed in Settings->Controls. Certain screens may have unique controls that are not listed)
- When a controller is detected, button prompts will appear on certain screens (Prompt icons courtesy of https://thoseawesomeguys.com/prompts/)
- UI buttons recolored, should now be easier to tell where you are while navigating on controller
- New indicator in the top right when auto mode is enabled
Settings screen:
- Setting screen redesigned, now features a second page "Controls"
- (Mouse and keyboard) Mouse over "?" icons next to certain settings to read more information
- (Controller) Press X while navigating over certain settings to read more information
- New settings to hide the auto mode indicator, quick menu, and button prompts (Quick menu is now always hidden on Steam Deck)
- New setting to change the button prompts to use icons for different controllers
- New setting to map X on the pause screen to a specific action
Log screen:
- Greatly reduced number of previous lines the log screen can store for performance reasons (250->100)
- Text size for previously completed chapters has been increased
- Ruby text for previously completed chapters is now rendered in parentheses
- Previously completed chapters have been divided into more parts/scenes
Glossary screen:
- When a controller is detected, hyperlinks in the glossary will be disabled (Hyperlinks to Ren'Py and relevant licenses unaffected)
Save/Load screen:
- When a controller is detected, insensitive saves can be navigated
- Removed unused sounds
- Removed unused images
- Minor script changes
In case there's any regressions, you can use the Beta tab on the Properties page by right clicking the game on your library and select "version_1.3" to revert to the initial Steam version.
Changed files in this update