Welcome to Keeper's Toll!
It's important to note that you should uninstall and re-install the game. Do not simply update, as this could cause issues because the new directory does not yet exist.
Why did we change the game name from Soul Survivors to Keeper's Toll?
It gives us a unique identity as opposed to being the 100th + game with Survivors in the title.
Being branded as a VS clone does not do us justice. We are not trying to be VS. We are trying to be Keeper's Toll. We take a slower paced, more skill based approach to the gameplay, we have a heavier focus on unique character classes and our plan is and has always been to build an ARPG/Roguelite hybrid with some survivor elements thrown in the mix.
Kalinov, the Keeper of Souls, is an NPC you will encounter when we reach version 0.7.x (Castle Usvit). He's very important to the story and premise of the game. We are currently working on integrating story elements into the game. Paying the Keeper's Toll to reclaim your soul is the game's premise, and how you will do this will be unveiled later on.
With changing the name, comes some very important things you need to be aware of. Effective immediately:
It's important to note that you should uninstall and re-install the game. Do not simply update, as this could cause issues because the new directory does not yet exist.
Your Cloud Saves will not work and the game will not run until you update. The reason being is the game is now located in a new directory in Windows.
The executable will not launch until you update. The game is now called Keeper's Toll, so if you are stuck on Soul Survivors, the executable name that Steam looks for will no longer exist and the game will fail to launch.
We automatically transfer your Save Data when you launch the game, however settings such as Screen Resolution and Windowed Mode will be reset, and you will need to reset these settings to your preference. Your actual data of Gold, Level Unlocks, Achievement data etc, will be automatically migrated for you when you first boot up the new version of the game. The game simply checks the old directory for save data, and if it exists, it will transfer to the new directory automatically. If your data does not transfer properly for whatever reason, we are including another thread on how to manually transfer your save data. It's important to note that if the transfer fails, your data is not lost, so don't worry. It still exists in the old directory. You can view the Save Data Migration thread to manually transfer your data here:
- It can take some time until the name updates properly in the community hub, so if it says Soul Survivors for a few days longer, that is normal.
Patch Notes: 0.5.32
New title screen for the rebrand of Keeper's Toll
Wrote Save Migration code and updated Save Data logic
Flesh Golem Boss: fixed an exploit that allowed the player to just ignore the boss and farm xp endlessly. The golem will now enrage if not killed within 3 minutes
Improved player hit detection by applying a bright red shader when the player is hit, and increased the duration of the flash effect
Boosted the gold collection passive skill from 10-20% bonus gold collected per rank. Also improved the logic to improve drop rates
Decreased audio volume of soul collect sound FX to feel more balanced and less overpowering
Bogatyr: Boosted Damage output for Shade of Vengeance
Rewrote all logic related to enemy projectiles to improve performance and adjusted the collision matrix
Restructured logic to swapping shaders for enemies or the player at runtime, improving efficiency
Bug Fix: If player is hit while the frostveil curse is active, the shader will now properly reset to the ice shader instead of the default shader once the player sprite flashes red
Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with Flesh Golem's stab attack that prevented it from inflicting damage more than once
Bug Fix: Necromancer - Vital Force passive ability is now working properly. It was calculating HP based on enemy HP, not player HP.
Bug Fix: Fixed navigating between characters on the Talents Menu
Updated Save System backend to be more efficient and fixed some very rare bugs
Updated Game Credits
Thank you to everyone that has been on this journey with us. We've got lots of new content to come, and next week we'll announce what's coming in the near future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions, comments or feedback. For direct support we recommend emailing us, DM'ing us or joining our Discord.
Changed files in this update