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Rune Gate update for 7 September 2023

Patch Note v.087 You can now skip battle animations in the Options Menu

Share · View all patches · Build 12133341 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:28:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The goal of this patch is to adjust the game's overall experience and tempo.

Change List:

  1. You can now pick "Fast Battle" in the Options Menu, which could help with the pacing of the battle in your reruns;
  2. Raised the overall difficulty of the game a little bit. Decreased elites and bosses' Defense and raised their HP.
  3. Dismantling runes will now give you Shards instead of Essence. You can now gain Essence by defeating Elites and Bosses.
  4. You can now swap out the latest Rune by clicking on a new Rune when you Rune slots are full. Same adjustments are made to Augments as well.
  5. Changed the color of the selectable Talent icon to make them more obvious.
  6. Adjusted the color of upgradable and upgraded nodes in Realms to differentiate them a bit more.
  7. Fury and Current are now halved each time you attack
  8. Moves generated by Pokes are now counted into exhaust. Poke now costs 1 Energy as well.
  9. Fixed a few bugs.

Thanks for your feedbacks!

Windows 64-bit Depot 2522271
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