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Mystery at Morgoth update for 7 September 2023

V1.003 Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12131562 · Last edited 7 September 2023 – 12:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi Folks.

We have just uploaded a minor update to fix a couple of bugs and introduce a couple of new features.

  • New feature: We have improved the usability of the Combat Ticker by adding additional options.

There are now two dropdowns available on the Adventure Rules Dialog that enable you to show or hide the ticker for the player and the AI. Note that all ticker functions are only available when the Combat Accuracy rule is turned on.

In the image below, you can see the ticker displayed during the AI turn (1).

This example shows the ticker in Manual mode for the AI. You must click the 'check mark' (2) to continue the AI's turn. This allows you to study the information about the AI unit's attack. If the ticker is in Auto mode for the AI, the information will only display until the next AI action overwrites it.

Clicking the Ticker Log button (3) will display the following dialog.

This will show you the history of all recent Melee and Ranged attacks for the last few turns (in reverse order).

  • New feature: Potions are now more powerful (potent). Previously the spell stored within the potion, for example Cure Serious Wounds, would affect the character as if cast by a level 1 spellcaster.

Now Cantrip and Level 1 spell potions will be cast as if by a level 2 spellcaster. All other spell levels are treated as if a spellcaster was at the minimum level required to cast that spell.

For example, the aforementioned Cure Serious Wounds is a level 4 spell. It requires a spellcaster of level 7 to normally cast this. Thus when a character drinks a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds, the contents will be applied as if a level 7 character had cast it upon the consumer (i.e. the potion will heal a lot more hit points than it did before).

  • Bug Fixes: We have fixed a number of minor issues that could have manifested after the 'missing door' bug fixed in V1.002.

  • Bug: Fixed an issue that could occur in the cavern at Farnan Keep.

  • Interface: Fixed a number of spelling and grammatical erros.

We hope that you do not encounter any issues with the update. Please let us know if you discover any problems.

All the Best.

Ian & Jann

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