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Daisho: Survival of a Samurai update for 7 September 2023

Release Patch-Notes 1.4.0

Share · View all patches · Build 12131202 · Last edited 7 September 2023 – 10:46:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Battle Pass

Embark on a journey like no other as you immerse yourself in a season filled with daily and weekly quests that will test your skills and unlock an array of exclusive treasures.

The first season starts on Friday, September 8th, at 13:00 UTC and will last for 28 days.

Dojo Leaderboards

Compete on the Dojo Leaderboards and let your combat skills speak for themselves. For each wave you win, you earn points, and it matters how fast you complete the wave. Each wave reset gives you a chance to improve your score.
Showcase your finesse on the leaderboards to claim weekly prizes, including essential resources that will aid you in your noble journey. But there's more – special tokens, symbols of your expertise, will grant you access to a unique kimono design.

Available at Prosperity level 7. The first competition starts on Monday, September 11th, at 13:00 UTC and will last for 7 days. It will restart every Monday with a 1-hour interval.

Daily Mini-Events

Every time you visit the Pine Forest, whether day or night, keep your eyes open for mini-events that may occur there, giving you a chance to collect additional loot.
Events are available at Prosperity 3 and higher. You need to complete them without leaving the forest, or the quest will fail. The cooldown between events is at least 4 hours.


New equipment slots have appeared in your inventory: collect rings and amulets to empower your hero. Jewelry can be obtained from enemies in the Iron Mine (available at Prosperity level 6). They can then be merged at the jeweler's stand next to the Forge. There are 4 types of amulets and 6 types of rings, most of which have a unique stat associated with them. There is also a new storage to store your jewelry.

New territory: Gardens

A new beautiful expansion for your Estate territory is available at Prosperity level 9: the Gardens. Restore it to complete the quest and upgrade your estate's prosperity even further.

Improved auto-mode

Auto mode can now prioritize attacking nearby enemies. It can also loot enemies, and the range of this mode has been extended.
We enhanced drop looting even more: if your inventory is full but there is still space in the resource storage for an item, the item will be automatically collected into the resource storage.
So kick back and relax, just use your health potions from time to time to keep your hero grinding.

Other features and fixes include:

  • Inventory can now be upgraded with coins. You can read about this decision here: ⁠general-chat⁠
  • A new storage for consumables is available at Prosperity level 4.
  • Economy Rebalance to match the game without the energy system. You will see changes in: coins merchant, XP merchant, resource shop, equipment upgrades.
  • The Prosperity level up window shows which mechanics are unlocked at the current level and what to expect next.
  • Animal bosses now appear at the night pine forest location.
  • [Steam] Free rewards from No Ads are available to collect on PC if you purchased it on mobile. Remember that you can link your game progresses with the help of our Support.
  • The progress bar between locations will now show the loading progress.
  • Fix: some previously forgotten resources have been added to the resource storage (such as iron nails and needle, crude cloth, etc.).
  • Divided Shinobi and Bandit Amulets drops in the night location, so now they may drop both without blocking each other.
  • Boars now attack the player only if their fellow boars are attacked within their range.
  • XP trader is now unlocked at Prosperity 4.
  • Death animation for humans has been replaced for better loot collection with PC controls.

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