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The Immortal Mayor update for 11 September 2023

Update Preview1.0.08-1.0.10

Share · View all patches · Build 12131147 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:19:51 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Optimization and Updates

  1. Fixed a bug where corpse collectors could not put corpses into the pyramid.
  2. Fixed a bug where the Kun Taoist was not counted in the 29th achievement.
  3. Fixed a bug where triggering disasters with a card was not counted in the disaster achievement.
  4. Fixed a bug where the Terracotta Army's duration was incorrect.
  5. Fixed a bug where the ground couldn't be built on after the aqueduct was demolished.
  6. Adjusted the hunger logic; before the villagers starve, there will be a protection period to ensure they find food.
  7. Fixed a bug where some villagers didn’t pick up the tools needed for their profession.
  8. Redid the monster attack logic, optimized the stuttering issue.
  9. Fixed a bug where the monster's hatred was wrong after loading the game.

Here's a preview, we are working on the content for the next version - The Feather Country.
This is a completely new experiment featuring two dimensions - ground and air, and it is the biggest gameplay change to date.
The city of this new nation is built in the sky, starting with only a small plot of land. You can use the floating force of magnets to expand your airborne city. At the same time, villagers will grow wings allowing them to fly to the ground to gather essential items. You need to be constantly aware of the balance and load of your entire city to prevent it from falling from the sky.
The feathered citizens have different needs. They must constantly maintain their wings, exercise their flying abilities, and build the Feather King's statue to adjust the carrying capacity of the city.
Lastly, barring any accidents, this version will also offer a one week free access promotion.

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