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富豪派对 update for 7 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12130600 · Last edited 7 September 2023 – 10:09:42 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear players,
After the launch of 'Rich Party', the production team received many suggestions from players, and we deeply apologize for the performance in the EA stage of the game!
After two weeks of emergency investigation, the production team conducted a game update yesterday. We have restructured the game framework to address the core issue of game process interruption. To demonstrate the determination of the production team to optimize the game, we have now decided to launch the "100 yuan red envelope reward activity". If the player experiences a stuck situation in online mode and waits for 30 seconds before the game is synchronized (preferably with screen recording), please keep a complete screenshot and record the steps of the stuck situation. Add the game's official community for feedback, and the player will receive a 100 yuan red envelope reward from the production team! Activity time: September 7th, 2023- September 10th, 2023. Welcome players to participate!

Group 2: 597683207

Group 3: 224984920

Group 4: 885392988

Bug submission group: 858098627

A complete screenshot example is as follows:

  • Loading history…
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