Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players could not use the Removal Item before collecting resources.
- Fixed an issue with the Removal Item where, after players removed resources and continued the game, the resources were not removed, but the amount of the Removal Item was reduced.
- Fixed an issue with the Removal Item where the 'Add a Resource' page would appear with the same resources as last week after players clicked the Removal Item but didn't remove any resources.
- Fixed an issue where the calendar displayed the wrong date at the end of the second year.
- Updated the Inventory page to display the items owned by players.
- Updated the Inventory page to show the total quantity of items and resources.
- Revised the values of resources and items as follows:
- Removed Arrowhead, Lavender Tea, Knight's Poem.
- Updated Woolen Scarf, Beekeeper, Rolling Pin, Fortune Teller Kit, Cropland, Garden, Elvish Languages.
- Increased the chance of Moon.
Changed files in this update