Patch v0.6 is a very large patch which adds the new Leisure game mode, Merchant Skills, XP Tokens, and much more!
User Interface
-Added a ‘Transfer All’ button to most inventories you can manage, as well as the ability to lock certain gear from not being affected by it by right clicking the item.
-Increased the size of many text elements when showing up on hover.
-Added a ‘Saving’ text display when the game is saving from a manual or automatic save.
-Greatly increased the visuals of the Guild Emblems.
-Starting gear which can be destroyed will now appear as Gray tier items.
-When a hero cannot Equip an item, the icon will now appear grayed out.
-Added a border around the ‘Free Roam’ toggle box.
-Updated the text appearance and function for all in-world text.
-Updated the dungeon in-world display. This is in preparation for the upcoming UI overhaul.
-Updated many tutorial elements to coincide with new updates and changed functionality.
-Relocated/added multiple buttons to the bottom left of the screen and added hotkeys where some were missing:
-Tokens [T]
-Profession Research [P]
-Skills [K]
-Camera View [V]
-Goals/Achievements [G]
-Region Map [M]
-Removed the ‘Kingdom Score’ display. This will likely make a return in the future with a more specific and redefined purpose.
-Moved the Day counter to the top left area of the screen.
-Added an ‘Available Token XP’ counter to the top left of the screen.
Developer Note: This is a total accumulated amount of XP you are able to give to realm heroes at any given time.
-Added an indicator on crafting panels when there are no unlocked recipes for the panel.
-The step-by-step tutorial button will now appropriately disappear when the tutorial is complete.
-Raid Started notifications will now only be a pop-up notification if no guild member has previously completed the raid. There will still be a smaller notification for each raid start.
-Added the ‘Leisure’ game mode, and appropriately changed the standard game mode name to ‘Hardcore’.
Developer Note: The Leisure game mode is intended for players who want a much more casual approach to the game with far less punishing mechanics. When a hero dies in Leisure mode, they are not permanently dead as they are in Hardcore mode. Instead, they will be transported to the Terafell Hospital and recover for half of an in-game day. Once recovered, heroes will function again like normal. In Leisure mode, you may also uncheck the box to ‘Consume Energy’ from the main menu when starting/loading a game, which will result in all heroes in the realm having unlimited energy. Finally, in Leisure mode, ‘Free Roam’ is available to your Officers immediately. You may change a game from Hardcore to Leisure at any point from the main menu, however, you may not change a Leisure game into a Hardcore game at any moment, so be careful, as once you change to Leisure mode, you cannot go back!
-Rewired internal dungeon difficulty settings, which overall rebalances the game.
Developer Note: This changes multiple factors of dungeons, including enemy count, wave count and enemy power. As a result of these changes, many dungeons are now either much more difficult, slightly more difficult or have not changed much in power.
-Added the Merchant Skills feature to the game, as well as introduced XP Tokens to the game.
Developer Note: Merchant Skill is earned by performing just about any task in the game. As you level these Merchant Skills, you will gain XP Tokens as a reward, which can be used by you directly onto any hero in the Realm to grant them raw XP. You may also receive ‘Mass’ Xp Tokens, which are much more rare, but will grant large chunks of XP to every hero in the realm when used.
-Gathering nodes are now unlimited, but much less of the associated material is gathered per gathering session.
Developer Note: This change results in less overall materials being gathered at a baseline level, but adds substantial benefit to upgrading gathering nodes, as well as makes Gathering Speed a much more valuable utility stat for heroes.
-As mentioned in the UI section, we have greatly increased the display quality of the Guild Emblems, and as a result, some have changed entirely in appearance, so we have added the ability for players to edit their guild name and emblem at any time for no cost. You may find this edit button from the ‘Guild Heroes’ sub-panel under the ‘Heroes’ panel.
-Added the ability for ‘Tufa’ to show up in the world, which you may collect while playing as the Merchant.
Developer Note: These little rocks appear in the world visually as shiny stones, and will have a small particle effect around them and you may simply run up to them to gather them. They are intended to be somewhat difficult to spot in many places, and quite easy in some others. Collecting these currently serves no direct purpose, but all the Tufa you collect now will be useful when we add in their purpose in the following patch(es). Tufa is the first part of the ‘Merchant Exploration’ feature, which placed second in the community poll. Thanks for voting!
-Increased the interact range of the Blacksmith, Tailor & Lumberjill.
-When you complete a full chapter of the tutorial, the ’Claim’ button will now appear on the step-by-step tutorial.
-When assigning a command to an officer on free roam, your command will now override free roam.
-Favor’s will now check your cache for the items, and you can turn in favors using items from your cache.
-You may now squish fish which are in your cache.
-You and Guild Members may now place materials in the Guild Bank.
-Players may now also Research from anywhere, without needing to be present at a crafting station to do so.
-Heroes who approach your shop to pick up a quest, turn in a quest or purchase items from you no longer require you to interact with them, and all of this will be done automatically.
-There is now a ‘Buying Items’ button for your shop, which tells heroes whether or not you are willing to buy from them or not. This makes it so you can have zero activity required at your Storefront, while still handing out and taking in quests, and selling items. If you want to disable all of those functions, you may still close your shop.
-Muting audio will now mute all notifications as well. To mute just the songs and keep notification sounds active, uncheck the songs you wish to mute from the Audio Options. These options will see much more refinement in the upcoming UI update, and as we add more audio/visual options.
-Rare Spawn enemies no longer attack automatically, instead, must be voluntarily attacked by the player using their officers. Also note, they have received a sizable buff, so send your heroes to face them carefully!
Balance Changes
-Preservation Cleric Buff
-Justice cooldown time reduced from 15s to 10s.
-Elemental Mage Rebalance
-Focus now also reduces damage taken by 25% for 10s, and has had its cooldown reduced from 45s to 30s.
-Incinerate damage over time has been greatly reduced.
-All heroes have had their base health gained per level increased substantially.
-Refuge 45 to 90.
-Frenetic 25 to 60.
-Astral 15 to 50.
-Elemental 15 to 50.
-Preservation 35 to 70.
-Reverence 15 to 50.
-Deadeye 15 to 50.
-Scrapper 15 to 70.
-Changed the way Ferocity and Ability Power are calculated.
Developer Note: This change balances the power of many heroes, particularly bringing the Elemental down in raw DPS (this is a nerf), while bringing all other heroes up in raw DPS (this is a buff). As a result of this change, strictly speaking in raw damage, all heroes besides the Elemental are now performing more than 2x better than before, and Elementals are performing slightly worse than before. Note that Elementals are still the highest raw DPS heroes with equal gear, but the gap has been lessened to make the utility that other heroes bring to groups easier to justify.
-Fixed multiple issues where different functions were increasingly reducing performance over time.
-Fixed an issue with Free Roam where a hero would idle if you gave a command to override Free Roam.
-Fixed an issue which caused scrolling in the Guild Invite Screen to not scroll when using the mouse click-and-drag.
-Fixed an issue where heroes exploring Terafell would wander off way too far.
-Fixed an issue with Guild Missives not sorting properly in the Guild Invite screen.
-Fixed an issue with heroes occasionally getting stuck under a bridge when they should be in combat.
-Fixed an issue with the ‘Dead’ skull disappearing when swapping gear while a hero is dead.
-Fixed an issue which would cause a hero to panic and run around starting many different tasks but not completing any of them when they should be heading to a dungeon.
-Fixed an issue causing players to be able to interact with Traveling Merchants even after they left, resulting in an empty interaction screen.
-Fixed an issue where dead heroes were still showing up on the DPS Meter in group dungeons.
-Fixed some instances of enemies not attacking.
Changed files in this update