Upper Echelon Hotfix
Agents, as previously discussed last week, we are rolling out a hotfix for Upper Echelon with some targeted tweaks and bug fixes. To be able to reach a quick-turnaround time for this update, we had to keep it lean and really focus on the top items we’ve seen pop up since the release of Upper Echelon. We are still tracking larger feedback points beyond the scope of this hotfix and will look at when we can deploy requested changes and bug fixes to address these. Before we get to it, let’s have a quick word on the Echelon situation.
Echelon Compensation
As many of you may know, we encountered some issues while launching the new Echelon system. To make a long story short: The fix to the XP overflow was not correctly integrated into the build and some players received echelons right away in an incoherent manner. We have since fixed the problem for new players, but we are taking to heart discussions about the situations being unfair and disappointing.
Here’s what we plan on doing in the near future: We will open a case by case support window to deal with echelon issues. We will let affected players choose their fate: Full reset of Echelons to start fresh or receive an Echelon level compensation based on their playtime on their agents. You may reach out to our support team and submit a ticket at the following link - [https://support.deceiveinc.com/en]('https://support.deceiveinc.com/en')
We are currently doing a full database sweep to establish a fair system for compensation and we are getting things ready to support affected players.
Please stay tuned for more news on that front in the near future. We thank you for your patience and know that we are dedicated to making things right.
**General Changes
Health Bar**
Tweaked the health bar according to player feedback to make the number much bigger for ease of reading. We are also putting back notches in the bar to make it clearer at a glance how much health you have left.
After doing a nerf to headshot damage multipliers in the last live update, we are focusing around tweaking the medi-field bubble. We are making a small but meaningful change by slowing the rate at which the bubble gives out healing. This not only brings down max healing from the bubble full duration a bit, but gives a larger time window to damage agents in it to deny their next healing tick. Coupled with a very nasty bug that we fixed listed below, we think this should make Yu-Mi much more manageable in a team scenario.
We will keep an eye on the discourse around healing after this change. We don’t want to go too hard all at once and bring Yu-Mi back into a state where she cannot perform at all. The nature of the bug we are fixing means that healing was performing much better than intended and will already be quite a change to the overall power level of the healing bubble.
Mod 1: Medi-Field
- Healing tick rate 0.7s=>1s
Removed hack speed modifier by popular demand. The spyglass now hacks at equal speed to normal hacking.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would lead to the vault terminals alarm not going off with two spies in the same room
- Fixed an issue that lead to some characters (Larcin and Chavez) not being able to cancel their expertise at all from time to time
- Fixed an issue that lead to door interacts being hard to use in a variety of situations
- Fixed an issue that would stop toggle run when moving in diagonal on controller
Fragrant Shore
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to bypass the vault from outside
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to reach the top of the clock tower
- Fixed an issue that lead to be stuck in sword charge when throwing a projectile right before switching
- Fixed an issue with the poison vial that would block the user from doing any actions once thrown
Known issue: You can still sometimes be stuck for a duration, but will now go back to normal afterwards instead of being stuck forever. We are looking to fix this situation
- Fixed an issue leading to healing continue even while outside the healing bubble when taking damage
As always agents, we appreciate your feedback and reports. Looking for the best places to join the conversation? Drop into the Official Forums and Discord today!
Changed files in this update