A New Free Bonus Book image!
To celebrate and share the news of our latest game project crowdfunding, we have added a new free bonus image for you to enjoy!
Our Kickstarter page for our next game, Skystead Ranch, is available to follow now! Make sure you follow our campaign to get notified as soon as the page goes live to discover what Exclusive Back Rewards are available! (Including exclusive Coloring Pixels content! 👀)
Exciting Rewards for Coloring Pixels
Once the Kickstarter goes live on October 3rd, if we achieve our goal in the first 24 hours we have decided that we shall make next month's DLC, the Halloween book, free for everyone to enjoy!
We really recommend that you follow the campaign by pressing the "Notify me on launch" button to increase the chances of a Free DLC for everyone.
Thank you and enjoy. 💖
Coloring Pixels Patch Notes V1.19.1
New Features
- New Free Bonus book image
- Added support for the new Medieval DLC
Bug Fixes and Misc
- Corrected grammar mistake on the "Exit Game" message
Changed files in this update