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Two Strikes update for 6 September 2023

Play the DEMO now!

Share · View all patches · Build 12124236 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 17:09:18 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Play the Demo now!

In the spirit of celebration with our new partner Entalto Studios, we decided that more people needed to get their hands on the game. So, if you are still unsure if you should buy or wishlist the game, now it is finally your time!

We are dropping a Two Strikes Demo for you to try the game for FREE!
Right now you can play with both characters from my first game One Strike: Kenji and Tomoe! Play with friends, challenge yourself against the AI, and if you haven't done it yet, please wishlist the game! I hope you enjoy it and let me know what are your thoughts!

Release Notes:

That's not the only news today, if you already own the game, here are the latest changes:

New killing effect:

Now every time a round ends, the game will stop for some milliseconds and invert colors to give some players a better idea of where they were when hit and to give a phantasmagoric feeling after each death.

Reformed Menus:

Now you can cancel the selection of your character by pressing the "back" button. Especially for versus and practicing against the AI, some players complained that they had to go back to the main menu to re-select fighters. Also, added some effects to make the selection screen more cohesive.

More Fighters Names:

Fighters' names on the round counters were added for all the game modes. Some players have been complaining that they couldn't see the names of the characters once they start fighting and suggested I add them in some more places. So here you go.

Bug fixing:
  • Fixed a bug where the stage selection would appear in front of the fighter selector screen.
  • Fixed bug where second player couldn't select "Character Selection" in the menus after a fight
  • Fixed glitches that were triggering some weird effects also on the after-fight menus.
Windows English Two Strikes Content Depot 1586751
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