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Nordic Ashes update for 6 September 2023

Performance Beta - Endless Testing

Share · View all patches · Build 12124155 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 16:32:19 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Good news! After weeks and weeks of wrecking our brains (and code), at last we have many improvements! That means new performance Beta is now available!

Here’s what you will find:

  • Major code changes. This means enemy movement may have varied a little. You may also find a slightly different feeling on collisions and projectiles too.
  • This beta will only have Midgard available.
  • As we only have Midgard, Raid Shrines and Challenge mode will be disabled.
  • Endless Mode enabled once again. Let us know how it feels!
  • General performance improvements. Now you can expect your Endless and Ragnarok runs with a higher fps rate.
  • You’ll have the same progress as your current version.
  • On this particular beta, your progress won’t be saved to prevent possible errors. This also means there will be no issue going back and forth between your current version and the beta.
  • Please notice that we have changed quite a bit of code, and are still tweaking some things, so you may find some bugs or issues during your run (let’s hope very few). Please report any weird things you may spot!

We can’t wait to hear your feedback! This is a very important beta for Nordic Ashes game. If everything runs correctly, we will proceed to update the live version of the game next week (or the next one, depending on feedback and fixes!).

Indie Dev Day

We are so happy to attend Indie Dev Day in Barcelona this weekend. It’s a really important event hosted by Devolver and it will be our second event showcasing Nordic Ashes with our own stand!
If any of you are around Barcelona, come and say hi 😄

Wish you a great rest of the week!

If you have any suggestions, issues or any kind of feedback, don't hesitate to contact us:
🔸 Discord.
🔸 Steam Community.

How to access the Beta?

REMEMBER: To play the beta, you will need to have purchased Nordic Ashes previously.

  • Open the Steam application.
  • Go to the Steam library and select Nordic Ashes.
  • Right click on it and select Properties.
  • A panel will open, select the Beta option.
  • Enter the following code: NordicAshesBeta
  • Click the button to verify that it is correct.
  • If everything is OK, you will have the Beta option in the drop-down menu. Select it and the game will be updated.
Beta Information

Thank you very much for helping us improve the game. You are an amazing community 😄
First of all, we’d like to share the following disclaimer (don’t forget to read #8)

  • Keep in mind that this is a Beta and therefore it may contain bugs and balancing issues.
  • The purpose of the Beta is that you have access to an early version of the game, so you can help us to fix bugs, balance the game and give suggestions.
  • The Betas last for a certain period of time. We will release them as new updates are released. This particular one will be open for 1 week.
  • There is a specific discussion for beta feedback in Steam.
  • The Beta progress will be saved in your actual account.
  • You can unlock the Steam achievements already published, but the new ones that will be released will not be available. However, once the Beta version is released, you will receive all achievements you have already earned.
  • You may upload or stream Beta content if you wish. However, please add a disclaimer to your videos/streams to announce that it is the Beta you are playing, not the public version of the game.
  • IMPORTANT: To avoid any loss of your progress please follow the next steps:
    a. Create a backup of your saving files just in case. There should be no issues but just to be safe please do. You may find them here:
    i. windows: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/Noxfall Studios/Nordic Ashes/Backup
    ii. macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/com.NoxfallStudios.NordicAshes/Backup
    iii. linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Noxfall Studios/Nordic Ashes/Backup
    b. After playing the Beta, if you wish to return to the main version of the game and deactivate the Beta, please notice that your Beta progress will be lost.

It is possible that you find bugs or content that has yet to be implemented, such as sounds. We thank you for notifying us of any bug or issue through our discord or steam discussions, in the specific Beta section. This way we can access all the information and fix any issues. Thank you so much!

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