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仙侠镇尘箓2 update for 6 September 2023

Reconstructed the action rules of NPC

Share · View all patches · Build 12123717 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 16:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Mainly aimed at fixing the frequent entry and exit of visiting monks into the secret realm after the construction of the inn. After the fix, a test was conducted and an unknown bug appeared. However, the bug was traced for a whole day and no recurrence was found. If any player finds that visiting cultivators have problems practicing at the inn, please contact the production team. You can add a group of 958747116 or go to Baidu Tieba Xianxia Cleansing Dust Book to reflect.

In addition, currently, monks may get stuck while making friends, and this bug is still being investigated. It is expected to be updated and fixed in tomorrow's version.

After fixing the above two bugs, the production team will make revisions to address the fatal design issue of slow game pace. The current consideration is to compress the timeline of 4000 years of in-game time to 40 years of in-game time. This will result in significant changes in numerical values and storyline, and once the changes are completed, the playability of the game will greatly improve.

I understand that the current state of the game is disappointing, but the production team is working hard. Thank you to friends who have not yet refunded, and I will not disappoint your support.

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