Well, it is done. The final content update for Ghostland Yard
This update brings the second part of the Apocalypse World! You can now fully enjoy (or hate because it's kinda hard) the Apocalypse World
- The Mountain Apocalypse
- The Submarine Base Apocalypse
- The Station Apocalypse
You now have 60 more stages to discover! Note that they are still no souls to collect in the apocalypse world, but you still have medals to earn!
If you enjoyed the bonus stages, you may be surprised with the 6th Apocalypse world..!
We added the Apocalypse World soundtrack to the game, we hope that you will like it! We also added for the Apocalypse World some new death sound effects.
Some bugfixes
- The super-fast-rising-lava-bug was fixed
- We introduced a critical bug with the last update, the final boss was not doable without checkpoints, it is fixed
- There was some color issues on the apocalypse menus, it is fixed aswell
What's next?
We will release the game in 2 months and push the last content update, but this is not the end - yet!
We still have to complete the cutscenes and add some polish to the game - for example, a very big and obvious indication to press "X" to swap to the Apocalypse world.
Once the game is released on PC, we won't be far anyway, we'll still patch the game and fix what needs to be fixed, but we won't add additional content to the game: no plans for DLCs or sequel at the moment.
As usual, we are still eager to hear your feedback, do not hesitate to use the "feedback" panel in game or to join us on discord. Thank you very much for your support and feedback!
Talk to you soon!
Changed files in this update