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The Wratch's Den update for 6 September 2023

v1.2 Patch - Goblins no longer get mugged at school & more

Share · View all patches · Build 12121099 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 18:52:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi everyone!

Thanks for the love on The Wratch's Den! This has been the better performing game out of all the Steam releases we've been putting out these last few weeks, thanks for that! (in case you missed it, we're in the middle of releasing all our back catalog here on Steam!)

If you're enjoying the game, please remember that a positive review goes a long way in making it visible to more potential players. It doesn't even have to be a long review, just a few words already helps!

Anyway, in the middle of the Steam releases and the Shotgun King console release, and also a brand new game release over on Itch io, we somehow managed to fix the few issues that were reported for The Wratch's Den! Hopefully this patch properly fixes them all!

Here's the full changelog:

  • Blood Moon tech now properly affects all new units after it's researched.
  • Goblins can now only carry up to 16 tiles.
  • Schooled goblins now keep the gold they were holding.
  • Schooled orcs and goblins now keep their smithy upgrades.
  • Fixed a bug where an orc would become a goblin on schooling.
  • Room options now always appear above other objects.
  • Game no longer crashes if trying to use an item on the workbench if the trap room is filled with items.
  • Dark ritual achievement fixed so as to properly trigger only when 5 minions have been sacrificed. (also fixed the achievement description)

We also updated the demo with these fixes.

We hope you're still enjoying the game! Have a great week and long live The Wratch!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞

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