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AION Free-to-Play update for 6 September 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 12119580 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 07:09:02 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

What mischievous furry bandit is traipsing through Atreia? Why, it’s a little Raccoon!
The Raccoon is training to become a Shugo merchant and needs your assistance. Give the friendly furball a helping hand on his first steps into the world of commerce and earn some great rewards!

Look forward to items such as the [Motion Card] Raccoon Campfire, Raccoon Pyjamas, Raccoon Nightcap and more.

Running: 6th September (9 AM) to 4th October (8:59 AM CEST)

Raccoon Training: Not for Rascals!

Visit Dodorunerk to help Raccoon with his training. Elyos can find the Shugo in the Inggison Illusion Fortress, while Asmodians will find him in the Gelkmaros Fortress.
Dodorunerk will tell you everything about the event. Complete the quest [Event] I’m New Here to pick up a few rewards!

After that, the [Event/Daily] Dodorunerk’s Desire quest will become available. Hunt down players of the enemy faction in Aphsaranta to be rewarded with [Event] Raccoon Purses.

You can also get [Event] Raccoon Purses as a reward for the first Elyos/Asmodian posting quests or for the first/second neutral corps posting quests.

The purses can be exchanged for various rewards with the following Shugo merchants:

* Tinkernerk: He’ll give you things like the **[Event] Lord’s Sacred Water** or **[Event] Hererim Mine Extra Ticket**.  
  • Bearkinerk: He’ll give you special items like the [Motion Card] Raccoon Campfire or the [Event] [Emotion Card] Raccoon Celebration. But he can only found in Aphsaranta between the 7th and 8th Bases from 10 PM to 10:30 PM.
Well Prepared: Raccoon’s Supply Bundle

Defeat various bosses or battle in the Arena of Chaos to receive [Event] Raccoon’s Supply Bundle containing additional rewards.

* Bosses: The Supply Bundle can be looted by every party member who defeats the bosses Tahabata Pyrelord, Grendal the Witch (Labyrinth), Mortasha (Ara Infernalia (normal)) and Pa-Aq (Heart of Aphsaranta (normal)) between 6th September and 20th September.  
  • Arena of Chaos: All arena combatants receive the Supply Bundle in reward between 20th September and 4th October.
Suspicious Wooden Boxes

Destroy Suspicious Wooden Boxes which appear around the bases in Aphsaranta at certain times. Keep your eyes peeled to pick up extra loot such as [Event] Raccoon Slippers, [Event] Raccoon Treats and more at the following times: midnight, 3 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, 6 PM and 9 PM.

Rascally Shop Packs

Have you always wanted to slip into a pink raccoon coat and sit around a campfire with a guitar? No problem! During the event from 6th September to 4th October, you’ll find these rascally items in the shop:

Raccoon Dreams Set

* Raccoon Nightcap  
  • Raccoon Pyjamas

Ruinous Cuteness Pack

* [Motion Card] Raccoon Campfire  
  • Raccoon Nightcap
  • Raccoon Pyjamas

You can find an overview of all possible rewards in our list of rewards.

* The [Event] Raccoon Purse item will be removed from the game at the end of the event.  

Windows AION Free-to-Play Content Depot 261431
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