Time for what you say?
The combat system is now feature-complete! At least mathematically speaking…
We’re still missing some models, UI elements, and sound effects. Some adjacent systems are also missing, but hey! You can whack things now in a much more fun way!
Of course, this means the update is not ready for an official release, you deserve a polished and great product! But we can’t do this alone.
While we’ve tested this update’s features a lot, we would appreciate your help to cover all situations; since the player’s skill influences whether a battle is hard or not, an experienced player will have a much easier time playing than a newbie, and we can’t balance the whole game as if all players are experts... that’s where you come in!
Right now, you can access the open beta by going into your Steam games library, right-clicking on NovaMundi, and following this menu route:
On the “Betas” menu, you’ll see a “Beta participation” drop-down menu. Click on it and select “openbeta Open Beta Testing”. You can opt out of the beta at any time by following the same route and just clicking “none” on the drop-down menu.
If you decide to participate in the beta, we thank you! And we would love to hear all feedback from you!
To do this, just go to the Steam forums or better yet, to our Discord server at
What can you expect?
- You will now be able to find or acquire weapons and armor, and equip them to your units
- There is, of course, a new set of weapons and armor types
- The equipment can now be affected with quality and special effect modifiers, as well as Magical blessings and Curses.
- The equipment for the enemies is also generated considering these modifiers, and the loot acquired is generated directly from it
- Ranged weapon users carry a knife to defend themselves when enemies get too close.
- You’ll also find that the leveling system has been revamped.
We are looking for feedback mainly in three areas:
- Are the systems fun? Does combat seem fair? Are there weapons that are very OP?
- Is the leveling system fun? Is it worth it to protect an experienced unit? Is a level-up an exciting thing? Do you perceive the increase in power from level to level? Is the pace of level-up good?
- Are there any bugs? A bug is anything that you perceive shouldn’t happen or isn’t working as intended!
When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as possible! What were you doing when it happened? Can you reproduce it? How can it be reproduced?
We hope you have a lot of fun with this beta, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Game on!
Changed depots in openbeta branch