Movement updates
- Changed the movement and air control to give a slightly more weighted feel
- These changes are notably closer to CSGO bhop feel than before
- Refined the feeling of stopping yourself in the air
- Added a dash ability pickup in some areas (green aura)
- Added a jump pad in some areas (blue aura)
Rocket Launcher
- You can now right click to fire 2 rockets at one time (consumes 2 ammo)
- Tweaked the firing timings single fire or multishot
- Auto reloads if you reach 0 ammo in magazine
- Press B to change your RL skin (if you have found one!)
Many areas have been remade and expanded to allow for more to explore and more paths to jump through
LavaTemple - remastered...
SewerTown - The town has expanded since the last visit
Underground - a new path has opened and secrets await
The Infinite Forest Rift Runner has been opened. Explore up to 4 new areas by warping through this newly powered rift.
? More areas to discover soon™
Hud Improvements
- Arrow Indicator displays if you have a dash ability stored
- Now include info about the Rift you are about to enter
- Updated the hud to display health in Hearts
- Changed the layout of info
- The pause screen now displays the current build you are playing on
- The pause screen now displays current level name (no idk why i named that level that )
Engine Upgrade
- Major update from UE 5.0.3 -> 5.2
- Fixed bugs causing the rocket to not explode
- Fixed many bugs causing the rocket to clip through walls/floors
- Fixed cases where you would get stuck on the rocket in mid air
- Fixed fullscreen button not working properly
- Fixed Music tracks playing in full volume after changing the volume
- Fixed a few bugs when entering portals in the Hub
- Fixed some input bugs with the dash ability
- Levels now stream based on what you are viewing to hopefully help with loading problems
- Fixed postprocess effect in some maps
- Fixed some sounds not using the proper volume slider
- Fixed bugs with the speed display
- Fixed numerous bugs with save data - please report if anything is not saving
Changed files in this update