Servers have been updated, so make sure to grab the update before trying to join!
This update has mostly been focused on minor bug fixes and major performance improvements as we continue to prepare for Quest.
Change Notes
-Fixed bug that caused you to sometimes spawn outside of the world, inside objects, or outside of the spawn area.
-Fixed playerneames not displaying in lobbies
-Fixed once again being able to holster other players
-Dot marking teammates behind walls is now larger
-Vstock 1 and 2 tweaked to account for changes caused by OpenXR move
-Medium and High Firearm Motion Smoothing settings adjusted medium is slightly more, high is much more now
-Fixed a bug that could get you stuck inside certain objects
-Reduced the likelihood of guns falling off of ragdolls falling through the world
-Various minor map fixes
-More optimization
Thank you all!
Changed files in this update