Another patch to fix a few remaining issues and make some minor adjustments.
- Made a minor adjustment to the Sandy Hills level to fix some pathfinding issues.
- Updated the Endless mode level selection to start focused on the last played level. Before it would either start at the first level or start focused on the level you were returning from.
- Slightly increased the min and max range of battlements.
- Tower cap flags will now match the player flag color when it is changed.
- Changed the Rally flag to match the new flag design.
- Fixed an issue introduced in the last patch with the Royal Guards tech. It should no longer mess up when at max soldiers on the keep.
- Ram impact sound effect is no longer being cut off instead of playing completely.
- Added a catch to siege units that have trouble getting into position so that they can link up to a block. This should reduce or eliminate siege units clipping into blocks.
- Fixed an issue with the creative mode enemy selection when trying to view a direction that only had a siege unit and no soldiers.
- Fixed an issue where the alert sound effect would play at the start of the wave even if there were no new alerts.
Changed files in this update