How to opt into Experimental
To opt into experimental install "Cepheus Protocol Experimental" in your steam library.
It is no longer a beta opt in but an entirely new game granted when you purchase the base game.
Patch Notes
(Click Show details for a full breakdown of the changes)
- New Damage over time graph system in for Weapon upgrades. We are still working for rolling it out for every window
- Scrollbar added for larger groups so players can have groups over the stock limit and it will remove clipping/overflow into the minmap
- Minimap system revamped to make it cleaner and easier to read, all unique icons removed and replaced with simplistic "color blobs" to make it easier to read the map and identify targets.
- Zoomed in the Minimap and resized it more to make it visually larger
- News Graphics reskinned
- Fixed spawn position for 'repair points' for regular player walls
- Fixed certain foliage being erroneously included in HLOD, causing weird animations.
- Faulty Nav clean-up for Grids 1.2 and 5 in Presidio.
- Updating the Pause Menu style to more closely match mockup
- Adjustments to scaling and padding for Options-related widgets so they are scaled more pleasingly on the main menu's version of the Options menu
- Fixed the Civilian Admin menu getting stuck on your screen if the Admin building gets destroyed while the popup is open
- Cleaned up general Text on main menu
- Fix for the Merlin 'carry vehicle' button not appearing if your selection consisted of only one Merlin
- Fixed Levi's sometimes attaching to helicopters
Please note the following going forward (Restart your game/steam to get the update if needed
General Development Updates
Letter from the Producer
New Roadmap system
We now have a new system for our community to follow along on development. This website will break down all the major systems that are coming each patch. It will not include hotfixes/bug fixes. Sections inside TBD can be included randomly if we are ahead of schedule
Ways to Support Development
Everything goes towards expanding the team and building a better game!
Consider Supporting us on Patreon
Merch Store
Cepheus Protocol Anthology
Experience the outbreak of the Pangu Virus from multiple perspectives across as the brave heroes of the Center for Epidemic Research and Control battle tirelessly to stop the spread of a cataclysmic alien virus that has mutated innocent people into monstrous creatures of unimaginable power
Changed files in this update