Hint System
We added a Hint System so players don't get stuck for too long on a puzzle. It's optional, so if players want to solve things on their own without any help they still can do just that :)
After some amount of time in an area a little questionmark pops up prompting you to press a button. By doing so you get a hint on how to solve the puzzle.
Continue Button
Added a continue button to the menu that loads the latest save game (sorry it wasn't part of the game in the first place D:).
Level Reworks
Reworked Level 10 to 13 a bit to ensure better playability, challenge and fun 😊
Bug Fixes
Audio Trouble & Game Crash
Some people experienced issues with the sound when playing Duru for over two hours at a time. We couldn’t replicate that issue on our machines. We changed how FMOD Events are loaded in in an attempt to fix a memory issue that might cause these problems. We hope it works better for those who had this problem!
Distinguishing Input source in the main menu
Distinguishing between controller & keyboard in the main menu now works properly when first loading up the game.
AI issues
Fixed a Bug with moving platforms causing errors in the grid that Bels Movement is based on. That little monster should annoy you now just in the intended ways.
Changed files in this update