Hello. This update introduces some more new items to play with. Additionally the level up system has one small but significant change to it and consumables scale in damage. There's been a couple of changes to overall appearance and a few rather annoying bugs squashed too.
FYI the Demo is back and updated as well.
- New Item: Golden Heart - Gain a coin for every 10 health you lose
- New Item: Spring - +1 bounce to all weapons that already bounce
- New Item: Dog Treat - +50% dog speed, +25% dog attack rate
- New Item: Diploma - No weapon class penalties. All non-class weapons get +5% damage
- New Item: Sun Stone - Randomly enhances a single weapon stat for all weapons
- Level Up no longer offers both weapons and items as a reward option - only items. You need to buy weapons from the Upgrade Weapons screen which always has a weapon as first choice
- Consumables increase in damage every level up by 3%
- Accessibility settings renamed to Difficulty with added information regarding the leaderboard multiplier
- Leaderboard score multiplier for time increased from 6 to 8
- Increased the overall contrast of the game world for a bit more vibrant and sharp look
- Added name of the map to the run start zoom-in
- Modified weapon: Acid Rain changed to target a random enemy instead of just randomly on screen
- Chaos Stone shows the average damage multiplier on hover
- Monocle shows the critical chances on hover
- Damage numbers increased by 1000x (visual only)
- Upgrading the character Strength attribute on level up would reset any max health bonuses given on mission rewards
- Chaos Stone had no impact on Haste damage
- Some weapons ignored character stat damage bonuses completely
- Could not choose a party member as a mission reward if inventory was full while already having said party member in it
- Dark shroud was not appearing when it rained
Changed files in this update