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Territory: Farming and Fighting update for 5 September 2023

9-5 Optimization and BUG repair

Share · View all patches · Build 12111510 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 10:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Optimization: "When residents carry out supplies (clothes, tools, medicines, etc.), they can pick up items nearby based on their current location to avoid long distances.
see a doctor"
Optimization: Let doctors work longer for a single diagnosis and have a higher priority to reduce the probability of patients not being able to meet a doctor when seeking treatment.
Optimization: If a resident has an infectious disease, interrupt what you are doing and go see a doctor.
BUG FIXED: After loading a file, the originally closed door is passable.
Optimization: Ordinary food and refined food, fish and meat, support separate upper limit settings
BUG FIX: Occasionally the problem of bridge not being repaired occurs
New feature: When the number of corpses on the ground exceeds 100, Megalodon will be attracted to the border.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1455911
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