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Forge Industry update for 5 September 2023

Update notes for 2023.09.05

Share · View all patches · Build 12110815 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 09:09:22 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

A common complaint was that our tutorial was... 'lacking', to put it nicely. Or 'terrible' to put it bluntly. We took that feedback, looked at areas where we could improve it, and thus have reimplemented the tutorial. Amongst the many new and changed steps we've added, we also added the ability to highlight buildings and UI buttons during certain steps, to help guide new players through starting a new playthrough.
We hope this guides players through the first steps of the game. Saves remain compatible. If you were doing the tutorial in a save, it'll reset back to the first step, using our new tutorial. (It may prompt you to make a new route with Iron Ore for example, as some things weren't tracked yet before this update.)

Additions ⭐

🤩 New tutorial
🤩 Workers now hold a crate when they are transporting an item.
🤩 Radial menu for buildings now has a quick create route option. Using this option will put you into the "select building" mode for the second step in the route, upon which you can select a new building. Using this, you can quite quickly create simple routes between two buildings.
🤩 Added a clear item button to route steps, so that you can quickly remove an item from being transported.
🤩 Show a new route button in the routes overview, when no routes have been created yet.
🤩 Timescale has been adjusted, there are now only 3 speed options (1x, 2x and 4x), but 1x is now the old 2x, 2x is the old 4x and 4x is the old 8x.

Bugfixes 🪲

🐛 Route duration is now displayed correctly in seconds
🐛 Fixed some animation transitions for workers.

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