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GRIME update for 5 September 2023

Patch 1.2.41 + Final DLC Announced

Share · View all patches · Build 12110181 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 12:33:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey! Yarden GRIME director, and I'm here to talk about our upcoming and final DLC for GRIME before we focus all of our attention to GRIME 2 and the Switch port.

This patch includes fixes to all significant bugs reported in the time since the Tinge of Terror DLC released which will be detailed below.

Other than that, let's talk shortly about the our final GRIME DLC, Parting Shade.

At the top of the Weeping Cavity lies a hidden path leading to a place that has been long abandoned by its elusive artist.
But was this place and the path leading up to it ever truly hidden? When you were always meant to find it.

Parting Shade is our parting gift to you, our players, and if any of you ever wanted to see what a Path of Pain GRIME Edition actually looks like well look no farther. Prepare to make constant and rapid use of every-single-ability at your disposal.

Parting Shade will release this year near or alongside the Switch Port. :)

1.2.4 Patch Notes-

-Heavily optimized Garden, Childbed, Nerveroot and some more areas.

Control Bugs:

-Fixed an issue caused when switching back and forth between keyboard-mouse and a controller.
-Fixed an issue blocking the player from combining Hunt Points while using a controller.

Minor Bugs:
-Fixed major issues bugging out the Dreamborn Terror fight.
-The player’s graphic should now properly dissolve in and out while using Dreamborn Terror’s armor sets.
-Some bug fixes related to the Vasehead trait.
-Fixed a bug causing NGP boss corpses to disappear on restart if not absorbed.
-Fixed an issue giving max out attribute points a wrong name.
-Fixed an issue causing the special item acquisition message to stay indefinitely.
-Fixed some small localization issues.
-It is no longer possible to absorb projectiles shot by the Finger Blade.
-Fixed an issue letting the players create infinite Sanguine Ichors via the Level Up menu.
-Fixed an issue caused by entering the Whispering Mother arena from the right side to engage in combat.
-Ravenous Rock trait bonus Ardor is now capped at 100.
-Obelisk Fist air-to-ground slam attack can now properly hit floors.
-Small Bondling trait tooltip fix.
-Fixed some issues related to the Yon fight.
-Fixed some issues with the self-pullers.
-Fixed some issues with the Kin interaction at the Peak of Creation.
-Max Ardor special icon should now show properly.
-Fixed Garden Walker’s unparriable effect timing.
-Wisps won't target non-engaged enemies.

  • Dreamborn can't be fought via Prey Gauntlet specifically because defeating them over and over again is tied to the unique rewards you get every NG+ cycle.
Windows GRIME Content Depot 1123051
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macOS GRIME Mac Depot Depot 1123052
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