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Football Coach: College Dynasty update for 6 September 2023

Update v0.17.0: Scholarship limits and player cutting

Share · View all patches · Build 12109614 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 18:09:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

With this update comes a long awaited feature that amps up the realism: a new "Scholarship limits" setting, which if enabled, limits your roster to 85 scholarship players total. To facilitate adhering to this limit, you can now cut players during the "Players Transferring" stage. You'll have a certain amount of free cuts, but will incur a coach integrity penalty if you cut too many players. The amount of free cuts is increased if a new HC is on the staff (roster turnover is expected).

With this 85 scholarship limit, the way recruiting and transfers work is changed slightly. Previously (and if this setting is disabled), each team had 25 total commits per year, which includes HS, JUCO, and Transfers. Now, when scholarship limits are enabled, each team has 25 in-season commits (HS/JUCO players who commit before the offseason), and in the offseason, can recruit up to the 85 scholarship limit. That means if you lose a ton of players to the portal/draft, you can recruit more to make up for them, and also that you should make sure you have room for incoming transfers before leaving the "Players Transferring" stage.

More changes include the fact that new games with this setting enabled will have 85 players generated per team, instead of the old 71. I've tried to ensure that the overall talent is about the same, by having the last few generated players per team be of lower star quality. Also, if enabled, you'll notice many more players will enter the transfer portal (roughly double the old amount), as they are either cut or don't see playing time for themselves in the future. This makes the transfer portal even more valuable as a resource, especially for lower prestige teams.

This update also includes some other improvements, including game tips that show while advancing weeks, and a couple changes centered around official visits. Now, when scheduling official visits, you'll be able to see projected bonus points, which includes if there are complementary visitors, if it is a big matchup, and more. Also, there are new easy access buttons to view official visit results in the week dashboard and the summary dialog.

Lastly, there are a few bug fixes and quality of life improvements, which are listed below.


  • Add scholarship limits setting and ability to cut players in "Players Transferring" stage
  • If enabled, saves will start with 85 players per team, and teams will recruit slightly more players each cycle
  • Cutting players costs coach integrity over a certain amount, based on difficulty and if is new HC
  • Add game tips to show while advancing weeks (right now there are about 30, more will be added with time)
  • Revamped "Players Transferring" page UI so you can more accurately see the upcoming year's depth chart

Smaller improvements:

  • Add easier way to view official visit results, in week dashboard and summary dialog
  • Show potential bonus points when scheduling visits
  • Show visit points in "Visitors" tab in game page
  • Add 'redshirt all freshmen' button in depth chart
  • Add age filter to coach carousel
  • Reduced effectiveness of Hail Mary

Bug fixes:

  • Fix UI for top bar layout to reduce jittering and improve spacing (much needed!)
  • Fix QB recruits showing inaccurate ranks
  • "Num offers" filter now correctly saves in recruit filters
  • Fix issue where player promise would require less targets/carries than they had in current year

Thanks for playing! The next update will be focused on game customization, so stay tuned!

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