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sheepChat update for 6 September 2023

Release 1.9.120

Share · View all patches · Build 12109141 · Last edited 6 September 2023 – 01:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear sheepChat users! We are happy to introduce you to the new version of our app, in which we have significantly improved the emoticons system. We know that emoticons are a great way to express your feelings and mood in chat, so we have added the following features:

  • Now you can add your own emoticons to the chat, both as local files and links to them. This allows you to personalize your communication and share your emotions with friends.

  • We have also added full support for BetterTTV, with support for custom emoticons if you log in through Twitch. This gives you access to thousands of emoticons created by the BetterTTV community.

In the future, we plan to add support for other platforms of custom emoticons, such as FrankerFaceZ and 7TV.

We never stop working to make our app quality and functional for you. We hope you enjoy the new emoticons system, which allows you to express your emotions and mood in chat. We are grateful to you for your loyalty and support. You are our main goal and strength. We always look forward to your feedback and suggestions, so that we can improve our app according to your needs and preferences. Thank you for being with us! 😊

Windows 64-bit windows-x64 Depot 944771
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Windows 32-bit windows-x86 Depot 944772
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Linux 64-bit linux-x64 Depot 944773
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