This one has a bit more than usual.
- Character Details: You can now right-click anywhere to close the Character details menu.
- Character Details: Spacebar, escape and enter are also supported to close the menu. (thanks Stafford’s Bees.)
- Character Details: Added cue for right-click to show more details on Character’s hover UI
- Save and Autosave: There is now a cue when the game is saved or autosaved
- Save and Autosave: Game now autosaves when: starting an expedition, going into the intersection after a combat, when going into combat and when returning to the Inn. (thanks Serulin.)
- Save and Load: Save and Load lists are now sorted by recency. (most recent save file first, thanks Serulin.)
- Fixed a softlock on the Inn Tutorial where you could buy the board pass earlier than allowed.
- Fixed a softlock that would happen if you clicked the Reward Board and the skip dialogue area at the same time. (SORRY RETO AND NICEDAY D:)
- Fixed a softlock that would happen if you entered the “Buy Pets” or “Buy Characters” menu before clicking the Start Expedition Door during the Inn Tutorial.
UI and UX
- Fixed an issue where MISSING TOOLTIP ENTRY would show up in “Curse Gambler” (Thanks Reto, 3rdDerivative, MadHatRavenDesk)
- Fixed an issue where tooltips can get stuck on Screen if they are a child of an Orb Tooltip within an Tooltip.
- Opening Loadout on the Pause Menu will now close the Pause Menu. (Thanks Arkuktor)
- Fixed an issue where Pets would have a glitchy “ATK” value on the card
- Clicking the “X” button on the “Goto Tower UI” (where you confirm your characters) now properly closes the UI.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the tooltip for the Expedition Door would appear while you selected characters
- Fixed an issue where ailments and status effects were secretly applied to dead characters.
- Fixed an issue where “Moonlight Blessing” would give more stacks than expected
- Indebted now works on Crystal Specialist (Crystal Shop Upgrade)
- Goblin Army no longer summons a new Goblin if you already killed every enemy.
- Fixed an issue where upon chapter / segment change, entering and leaving a shop would bump you to the next floor.
- Fixed a bunch of issues related to floor change
- You should no longer be able to click NPCs when Inn Master requests you to click the Start Expedition Door during the Inn Tutorial.
- [EN/PT] Fixed an issue where the Philosophical Book had a confusing description (Cost increased by -1 Mana).
- [EN/PT] Fixed an issue where Moonlight Stack would not appear correctly.
- [PT] Localized New Unlock Popup
- [PT] Localized Expedition Results
Known Issue
It will get back to normal as soon as you do a manual save, this is on our priority list to fix for the next patch.
Changed files in this update