There are a lot of fixes and improvements waiting for you. Our current focus is on improving the interface in battles and when you assemble your squad of combatants. We would love to hear your opinion on this topic and feel free to praise or criticize whatever you want. Our machine overlords made us immune to the silliness of human emotions.
Patch notes:
- Problems with incorrect volume levels are fixed.
- Audio settings will now be correctly saved, but the in-game progress will be lost.
- Fixed multiple issues with cameras.
- Necrophagia ability should work correctly.
- Fixed a bug where clicking during the enemy's turn caused soft-lock.
- Added a few tooltips and fixed the position of Skip Turn & Cancel Ability buttons.
- Replaced the placeholder icon when the Combatant is out of energy.
- Fixes and improvements in the Assembler.
- No more empty spaces after equipping the last Module in the Storage.
- It's now possible to equip a second Module that uses the same type of Socket with a double-click. It fills the sockets on the right first and then the next double-click will add a Module to the left instead of swapping the right one.
Changed files in this update