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The Danger Zone update for 4 September 2023

Current version of the game: v: 0.11 5.9.23

Share · View all patches · Build 12107442 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:11:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • Fixed problems with spawn in the shelter (!testing);
  • Fixed a bug that caused the character's stamina in the shelter to not recover;
  • Fixed fatal component error: All_weapons;
  • Fixed the text at the beginning of each new day;
  • Fixed the text in the construction menu in the shelter;
  • Fixed incorrect display of some items in the inventory and in the warehouse;
  • Fixed a flaw that caused food to not restore the character's stamina;
  • Other minor fixes.


  • Redesigned camera behavior. Added a new reaction to the cursor and recoil from the weapon;
  • Redesigned all the effects of medicine and food;
  • Changed the "fatigue" effect.

Character menu

  • We have changed the character menu [Y]. Optimized and improved the overall quality of the interface. Added a more detailed submenu with a description of each effect;
  • Redesigned most of the active effects and added passive ones.


  • A new system of movement of the main character. We have long wanted to rework this important aspect of the gameplay and make it more believable;
  • Breathing. What do you think: how soon will you start suffocating from shortness of breath after running several hundred meters in equipment and wearing a gas mask? So our main character is not an arcade game character. Starting with this update, general fatigue is reinforced by shortness of breath;
  • Inertia. From now on, the character does not stop instantly and continues uncontrolled movement for some time, and every extra kilogram in your inventory affects your braking;
  • Mobility. Abstract value with which the character reacts to the player's action (speed change, transition between modes, speed of reversal, etc.).


  • We have changed some of the lighting in the sections of the shelter. Where previously it was pitch dark when the electricity was turned off, now it is light dark;
  • Added a shower (at the entrance to the shelter);
  • Added a medical bed (medblock).


!!! If you encounter this problem, please read this to the very end:

We are aware of the problem of incorrect loading of the geometry of maps. This error is extremely non-standard and cannot be fixed by replacing a few lines of code. In addition, the main reason why this error is still present in the game today is the rarity, or even randomness of the manifestation in specific users.

So far we have not identified the faulty element, but we have found the scope of this problem. As a test, we added a foreign object to the shelter. Do not be alarmed if you find the skeletons of a vehicle in the corridor.

This object should look like this:

!!! If you encounter the problem described above and you have demonstrated this object in a different way, let us know.

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