🆕 New Features
- Added SFX on food digested when eaten (on half the duration)
- Added SFX on food expired when eaten (on total duration end)
- Added sleep SFX
- Light torch from any fire
- Added names to wiki handcrafting
- See distance (LOD) limited to 200
- Added grip sensitivity setting
- Added grab press setting
- Added toggle sprint setting
- Added pull stick achievement
- Improved door physics
- Added planting wiki
- Improved pouch collider
- Added starter quest
🔥 Bug Fixes
- Item grab/release SFX now isn’t quiet
- Place item in build SFX fixed
- Tree sapling pivot centered
- Sawbuck chisel glitch fixed
- Fixed all builds to be breakable. Including carts and sleds
- Fixed placing item in build sometimes disappears
- Fixed spear position quickslot
Changed files in this update