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Rune Gate update for 4 September 2023

Patch Note v.0861 - 2

Share · View all patches · Build 12104379 · Last edited 4 September 2023 – 12:09:32 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Change List:

  1. Nerfed all Poke runes: Elemental "Poke" Runes now costs 1 stamina. Runes that generate 2 Pokes are now a 2 turn buff you apply to your characters.
  2. You can now see the card you transformed into, and basic cards (Strike/Shoot/Blocks) won't be in the transform pool.
  3. Redistributed moves into different weapon tiers. Stronger moves now only shows in A, S tier Weapons;
  4. Due to the limited times you have for each weapon upgrade, in order to make them more meaningful, basic moves won't appear anymore. Also, the same move won't appear twice in the selection screen.
  5. Now you can only craft runes that you have unlocked (either though meta progression or talent).
  6. Stun Runes now has "Doesn't work on Elites and Bosses" in their descriptions.
  7. Fixed a few typos and grammar issues (thanks for letting me know!).

Fix List:

  1. Fixed the issue where your move's action gauge is not properly updated;
  2. Fixed an issue where sometimes a buff may disappear;
  3. Fixed an issue where Wound sometimes doesn't work;
  4. Fixed an issue where Preemptive Start only triggers on second turn;
  5. Fixed an issue where sometimes you can't use the Merchant.

Thanks for the feedback!

Windows 64-bit Depot 2522271
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