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Tunguska: The Visitation - Enhanced Edition update for 4 September 2023

Happy Labor Day! It's Time to Eat BBQ!

Share · View all patches · Build 12102921 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:41:42 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Continental Rangers are cooking up some BBQ for Labor Day! If you just started a new game, the BBQ will begin on the 4th day at midnight and you'll get a notification. If you are in the middle of the playthrough, you will get the notification in the next midnight. The BBQ party will last 10 in-game days.

A new fridge is added in the Continental Rangers camp, and you can put raw meat in it (talk to Larry about it) during the BBQ party, and they will automatically turn into cooked BBQ dishes in the big smoker outside.

Other changes included in this update:

  • Visitations will now make all the ghouls in the current map very powerful. After the Visitation is over, the ghouls will act more aggressively, melee very fast, has double health, and deal double damage. But if you don't kill them, the next Visitation will make them even more powerful, doubling their health again.

  • Added a radio in the player house in Ravenwood. It'll show up when you purchase either the couch or the desk. The radio will play some nice country music.

  • Improved various gamepad navigation controls in the main menu

  • Improved UI visibility for small screens such as Steam Deck

  • The game will try to detect Steam Deck when you run the game the first time, and set the correct control method, UI size, and resolution

  • Fixed a quest bug where if you interrupt the dialogue with Roman right after giving him the letter, you can't continue the quest any more.

  • Completing Dead Zone mode will grant you Nightmare achievement as well

  • Fixed a geometry stuck issue in the editor's office

Windows 64-bit Tunguska: The Visitation Win64 Depot 1601971
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