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MAJOR MultiMind Challengers update for 6 September 2023

Added auto-save and difficulty selection functions

Share · View all patches · Build 12101696 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:27:01 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

@@ Weapon engineering changes

@ Crustacean
Exoskeleton-arm bouncing duration 0.05 seconds -> 0.07 seconds (+17.8% -> +25%)

@ Energy controller
“Explosive Bullet Launcher - Land Mine” enhancement adds the effect of increasing spider mine duration.

@@ Reinforcement changes

@ Added special reinforcement “Mental-Stimulants”
Stimulant skills can be used to reduce regeneration and restore desensitization tolerance and stun tolerance.

@@ Tactical Circuit Changes

@ Added “Predicting timing of action” and “Balance recovery calculation” to the initial circuit.
Circuit material possession at initial level 20: 42 -> 56
Unification of initial circuits provided differently for each type

@ "Display of damage" brain volume required: 10 -> 5
//Cost reduction considering the lack of additional effects

@@ Gene changes

@ Eerie aura
Stun, Dissensitization, and Blindness Tolerance Additional proportional recovery amount added by 0.4%
Stun tolerance damage and consumption added
Damage 7% -> 10%
Consumption 4% -> 5%
Stats penalty -4% added

@ Bone specialty and End of bone specialty
Added 10% reduction in received control state time

@ Pointed launcher
Other molecules fixed recovery +10 HP -35 -> Other molecules fixed recovery +10 Other molecules +5% HP -3%

@ Explosive launcher
Other molecules proportional recovery +2% stun tolerance -35 -> Other molecules proportional recovery +2% Energy +30 Other molecules +30 Stun tolerance -40 Life -40

@ Sniper
Delay increase 10% -> 12.5%
Pointed bullet firing damage +7% added

@ Shotgunner
Knockback collision damage 8% -> 5%
Knockback force added by 5%

@@ AI and difficulty changes

@ Added difficulty change function according to AI
Difficulty level is divided into 4 levels: “Adaptable”, “Simple”, “Normal”, and “Ever-changing”.
Default difficulty: “Adaptable”
Delete AI changes depending on the round

@ immediately triggered pattern timing interval 1.75 seconds -> 1.51 seconds

@ AI first-delay reduction due to increase in rounds has been removed

@ Changed engineering enhancement values for AI units
Number of rounds x 4 x Level coefficient -> Number of rounds x 3

@@ Sub content changes

@ Changed the enemy level coefficient increase per round for all sub-contents to 0.05
Contents excluding “Hundred per one” 0.1 -> 0.05
"Hundred per one" 0.06 -> 0.05

@ Save function provided every 5 rounds for each sub-content
Start with a saved round the next time you enter

@ Added BGM to each sub-content and changed the appearance of the “Activator Battle” map

@ Hundred per one
Number of enemies appearing per round: 25 -> 20
Reward: 0.02% -> 0.025% per kill

@ Boss Rush
Time limit 1 minute -> 10 minutes
Limited to only 1st round units appearing.
Add boss rush 2 featuring units from round 2

@ Duel of honor
Increased delay reduction at the end of Blade Storm's Storm Sword Dance

@ TOP5
Added Electric Controller to the list of units that appear.
Some changes to the initial tactical circuit

@@ Balance-related changes

@ Defense per level for drones except “Explosive drone” 5 -> 3

@ Engineering changes for pointed launcher
Rotating bullet -> Cross bullet
// Changed to non-penetrating for balance with infantry, which is a non-penetrating projectile unit.

@@ UI, display, and convenience changes

@ Added auto save function

@ The Toxic antibody description indicates the amount of infection time reduction.

@ Agonia strategy hint text change

@ Inventory can be turned off with the Esc key

@ All build icons display resource reserves and costs

@ Add summary for each keyword

@ Change game over screen

@ Added skill box UI with skill key written on it
Display skill information when cursor over skill box

@ A brief explanation is displayed when you place the cursor on the main resource bar.

@ Guide text is displayed until the I key is pressed for the first time.

@ When leaving the training center or sub-ordeal center, a message is displayed indicating that build changes will be reset.

@ Display monster individual information in genetic information text

@ Added mission box so mission text is always visible

@@ Bug fix

@ Fixed an issue where skill use and UI display were not processed until the map was moved after loading the save file.

@ Fixed an issue where the screen brightness was dark when entering the sub-ordeal from the underground waterway.

@ Fixed an issue where a tunnel spider would execute the following pattern after burrowing and before rising.

@ Fixed an issue where first-delay and after-delay bars had 1 to 2 pixels remaining.

@@ Other changes

@ With the addition of special enhancement “Mental-Stimulants, Agonia level coefficient: 3 -> 3.5

@ Number of saturated battlefields just before the giant turtle changed: 5 -> 3
Now, even members who fall on a saturated battlefield will be taken to the next battlefield.

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